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P255Q Attendance Protocols for Families


EVERY day a student is absent, outreach to families must occur to determine the reason.

Student Absences/Lateness

  • Parent/Guardian must contact school if their child will be absent or late each day

    • If a student is absent with no contact from parent, school staff will outreach to parent by phone

    • If parent cannot be reached and/or if parent is non-responsive to school outreach, the attendance teacher will be notified and a home visit will be conducted.

Extended Trips/Vacations:

  • Please notify the school of any anticipated travel plans, including expected date of departure and return to school with supporting documentation, e.g., plane tickets with students’ name

Chronic Absenteeism:

  • Students who miss more than 10% of school days throughout the school year are considered chronically absent (18 days or more for the entire school year)

  • Excessive absences have a negative impact on your child’s educational progress as well as their mandated related service needs

Student Contact Information:

  • Please ensure phone numbers, home address, emergency contacts and email addresses are all up to date with your child’s school and NYCSA account; this will ensure the school is able to contact you in the event of an emergency

  • If you need support with setting up your NYCSA account, please contact our Parent Coordinator Elizabeth Durand via email at or phone at 718-316-6005


  • If you are experiencing any bussing issues, please notify the site Unit Coordinator as well as OPT with your concerns so that we can assist

  • OPT phone number: 718-392-8855

  • If the issue persists, please also contact our Parent Coordinator Elizabeth Durand for assistance via email at or phone at 718-316-6005

Additional Resources:

  • At any time if you need additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our school staff, e.g., parent coordinator, classroom teacher, unit coordinators or administrators so that we can assist you

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