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Introducing Meghan Kozak - Acting Interim Principal

Updated: Feb 26

A blonde woman and a man wearing suits and smiling
Ms Kozak with Mr Louissaint

Dear P255Q Community,

I would like to announce Ms. Meghan Kozak as the new Interim Acting Principal of P255Q. Ms. Kozak has a strong expertise in Special Education, Curriculum Development and Teacher/Leader Development. She is a BCBA and NYS Licensed Behavior Analyst and always puts best practices for students with autism and various abilities at the forefront of her decision making. She began her career with New York City Public Schools in 2009 as a Special Education Teacher. In 2017, she became a Unit Coordinator and the following year she was promoted to Assistant Principal.

Based on her body of work in those roles, I can attest to Ms. Kozak's commitment to the growth and development of all students and staff. She believes strongly in supporting and empowering families and strengthening partnerships with community organizations and other external partners. She believes that with equitable resources and support, every student can succeed. She understands the importance of student and parent voices in strengthening the P255Q community.

Additionally, she has contributed to the district's academic and social-emotional initiatives to increase student outcomes. Ms. Kozak looks forward to collaborating with families, staff and community to ensure all P255Q students are prepared to gain access to more inclusive settings for broader pre and postsecondary options. Please join me again in welcoming Ms. Meghan Kozak as the new Interim Acting Principal of 75Q255.

Thank you.

Ketler Louissaint

Superintendent District 75, Citywide Programs

4 women and two men smiling in front of a school.
The P255Q Admin Team with Superintdent Louissaint




Interim Acting Principal: 

Meghan Kozak


Assistant Principals:

  • Michael DiAngelo

  • Erica Hanson

  • Diana Carlstedt

  • Vanessa Graham 

Main Site:  (718) 380-1247

Email: MKozak@Schools.NYC.Gov

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